The title homepage suggests a politically correct, and therefore healthy setting:

The disturbing truth follows.
Mizzou, to ensure itself a populous fan base, is actually mentoring these children in the traditions of Mizzou culture and regular student practices.
Children as young as 1 year old are instructed by teachers to party, get down, and get crunk as hailed "cool as s***" by the student body. The children are never fed breakfast, and during lunch and dinner they are only allowed doritos and rockstar energy drinks. The children are also forced to build up a resistance to caffeine, whether it be the aforementioned energy drink or 5 hour energy supplement, the teachers are putting these drinks in your child's sippy-cup.

But to the real point:
As a Mizzou parent I'm sure you are quite aware of what all is included in "getting crunk," but I assume you wish differently for your children--at least at 1 year of age.
Actual Pictures from Mizzou Daycare:
And of course:
Please withdraw your child from Mizzou Daycare today, there is no time to waste. You do not want your child to become just like you (ex. pictured below).

I laughed considerably hard at this.