First video:
Attack Attack - Stick Stickly

Looking past all of the unexplained emotional symbolism and mysterious barnyard imagery, let's analyze a few of the basic attributes of this video:
1. Power
Power is a very important thing for this band, as well as a key component of what makes this music video so legendary.

The final and most powerful of these images is none other than the Synchronized guitar slam:

2. The Keyboardist
I don't think this guy plays anything until the techno breakdown during the last 30 seconds of the song. He certainly contributes to the band by headbanging constantly though... observe:

3. The Singer (Screamer)
The main goal of any crabcore singer is to convey as much emotion as possible while saying absolutely nothing of any importance. One by-product of this goal is being extremely annoying, which this singer seems to embrace. Notice a few tools that help him to boost his annoying factor:

In order to double the brutality of this indie-pop lovesong anthem, this band has a screamer who has the power to form his mouth into any shape of oval that he wants:

Finally, the band demonstrates the full potential of their mislead sexual urges by turning the inside of this industrial refrigerator into a hardcore earthquake zone:

4. Crabcore
This video is brutal to the max. The brutality often increases in increments, like the type of mono-syllabic noise being emitted by the drummer's talented vocal cords:
In order to double the brutality of this indie-pop lovesong anthem, this band has a screamer who has the power to form his mouth into any shape of oval that he wants:

Finally, the band demonstrates the full potential of their mislead sexual urges by turning the inside of this industrial refrigerator into a hardcore earthquake zone:

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