There’s nothing that gets you in the spirit of the holidays like a cap made from the skin of your own pet. I know, I know, you want one—doesn’t everyone? This extremely desirable (and fashionable) accessory is on everyone’s wish list this time of year. So, how can you be the owner of your very own personal cat hat? I’ll tell you! You’ll need the following items:
A stick

Some string.

A fuzzy ball

A bola


And creativity!

Attach the stick to the string and the fuzzy ball, creating a fishing pole out of the combination. Dangle the makeshift lure over your cat’s water bowl and wait for it to strike. As kitty paws the air with his tufty, warm little paws,

relish in the knowledge that his severed head will soon augment your most beloved hat.

Yeah, relish the kill.
As kitty’s fuzzy little head is distracted, eagerly thinking of ways adorably trap the lure; throw the bola rope at his back paws, rendering him immobile. After capture, simply cut along the dotted line

and tastefully glue the head to your favorite ball cap:

With such a beautiful hat, you’ll be the talk of the town in no time flat!
Merry happy from subtitlesformoviesinenglish!
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