the blog manifesto.
the purpose of sme is simply this: to overthrow the capitalist hegemony that has a stranglehold on our beautiful, multiethnic society. contributors are asked to take part in this, our overriding mission, so the people of the green earth can breathe together in the clean air of progressive politics and non-judgmentalism. each blog post must bask in the sunlight of earnest expression, never falling into the trap of satire or parody. our aim is clarity and verisimilitude; our mission is truth and the propagation of it. the blog is the perfect place to post your old family videos, homophobic video blogs, another blog's material, awkward, poorly-drawn sketches, halo reach updates, or unexplained/irrelevant wikipedia articles--sme is home to the entire eclectic conflation that is the internet. if there is one thing entirely intolerable to the editors of sme, it is sarcasm. there is simply no room in this blog for sarcastic, humorous, and reference driven posts. if you are among those responsible for such garbage, please leave.
barnaby jones
The Secret Inside Tesla Energy’s New Powerwall that Elon Musk Doesn’t Want You to Know!!! Click here to find out the surprising, disgusting, downright disturbing details!!!
“It looks like a beautiful sculpture on a wall” Musk said after debuting “the missing piece” on May 1st. He claimed that it could transition the entire world from fossil fuel to limitless energy. But, he didn’t say what was inside this missing piece or why it was missing for 13.8 billion years. Yesterday, Subtitles for Movies in English was granted unprecedented access to the gigafactory, and, we’re sorry to say, it's hard to stomach.
The gigafactory has broken the second law of thermodynamics and created the world’s first perpetual motion machine, but it’s disgusting. Musk cryptically referred to this secret when he said of the present situation on earth, “it sucks.”
Science said it was impossible because the universe sucks energy from every side of our feeble machines as they exist today. However, Musk realized that there is one natural machine on earth that sucks back, and it’s this machine that tesla energy harnessed and stuck inside every single Powerwall.

But, as the new science makes clear, one leach wasn’t enough to perpetually harness energy.

As our diagram shows, leaches when fastened together leach off each other, infinitely producing energy.

The only reason man hadn’t discovered this technology sooner was because it’s so disgusting.
Elon Doesn’t mind though.

He's had enough of the this leachy universe and he is ready to suck back. Each leach runs forever off one drop of Musk’s blood, and after the leaches are fastened together, nothing can stop them from producing pure energy forever.
Unfortunately, this technology has spread into Tesla Motors as well. SME recently acquired a computer rendering of the 2016 Tesla Model S, and the results are well….. disgusting.

oh my god -- cracking up
ReplyDeletethis is so disgusting.