the blog manifesto.
the purpose of sme is simply this: to overthrow the capitalist hegemony that has a stranglehold on our beautiful, multiethnic society. contributors are asked to take part in this, our overriding mission, so the people of the green earth can breathe together in the clean air of progressive politics and non-judgmentalism. each blog post must bask in the sunlight of earnest expression, never falling into the trap of satire or parody. our aim is clarity and verisimilitude; our mission is truth and the propagation of it. the blog is the perfect place to post your old family videos, homophobic video blogs, another blog's material, awkward, poorly-drawn sketches, halo reach updates, or unexplained/irrelevant wikipedia articles--sme is home to the entire eclectic conflation that is the internet. if there is one thing entirely intolerable to the editors of sme, it is sarcasm. there is simply no room in this blog for sarcastic, humorous, and reference driven posts. if you are among those responsible for such garbage, please leave.
barnaby jones
Random Band Name & Album Cover Generator
The following are 5 easy steps to creating your own indie band name and album cover that will easily compete with band names such as "Clap Your Hands Say Yeah" and "!!!".
Step 2: Go to's random quotations page.
-The last four or five words of the very last quote on the page is the title of your debut album. (click "new random quotations" on the bottom first.)
Step 3: Go to Flickr's "Interesting Things From the Last 7 Days".
-The Third picture, no matter what it is, will be your album cover.
Step 4: Use photoshop (or seashore) (or paint, ideally) to put it all together however you want.
Step 5:
Post it here.
Example 1:
Example 2:
Example 3 lol:

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